Decorating Easter Eggs with Nail Polish


Happy Easter!  He is risen! The tomb is empty and we celebrate hope and new life. I hope that you had a blessed day gathered around your friends and family.

Now, I realize that this post may be a little late for this year. Most of us will not be dying or decorating eggs until next Easter but I had to share this nail polish technique. Tuck it away for next spring or boil some eggs and give it a try. I couldn’t believe that it worked so well. Our eggs look like art. They boast bold, bright colors and unique designs and patterns. I was very tempted to boil another couple of eggs just to see what different patterns I could create.

You will need:

  • eggs (hard boiled or blown out)
  • bright colorful nail polish (the more expensive brands worked better than the cheaper polishes)
  • plastic cup
  • water (room temperature)
  • toothpicks
  • plastic gloves
  • newspaper or table cloth
  • paper towels
  • a place for the eggs to dry (egg carton, plate with paper towels)


Watch the tutorial below.



1.) Decorate eggs in a well-ventilated area. The nail polish smell can be overwhelming.

2.) Cover your table or work area with an old table cloth or newspaper. This can be a messy project.

3.) Be sure to use room temperature water.

4.) We had difficulty using the nail polish brush to drop the nail polish into the cup (see video.) Instead, we carefully tipped the nail polish bottle and let the desired amount polish slowly drop out into the water.

5.) When lowering the egg into the water, hold the egg vertically rather than horizontally. We noticed that the patterns and swirls seemed to come out better this way.

6.) If you do not want to waste eggs, blown out eggs would be work great too. (

7.) To fill in any white spaces, dip the nail polished egg into the traditional egg dye.

8.) NOTE: I WOULD NOT ADVISE EATING THE EGGS AFTER DECORATING WITH NAIL POLISH. Instead of eating them, try an egg fight. Egg fights were a fun Easter tradition in our family complete with “trophies” and bragging rights.

Here are some of our eggs:. 







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