
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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Jesse Tree Ornaments Craft Ideas

Feb 24, 2020

The most wonderful time of the year is here. A time of anticipation, expectant waiting, and preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. I cannot think of a better way to discover the treasures and gifts of this season, than with Ann Voskamp’s  The Greatest Gift and Unwrapping The Greatest Gift. 

It’s okay to not be okay.
It’s okay to be scared.
It’s okay to be sad.
It’s okay to be anxious.
It’s okay to be confused.
It’s okay to be angry.
It’s okay to be tired.
It’s okay to want things to go back to “normal.”

Our “normal” life had been turned completely upside down. It’s not “normal” to be isolated from loved ones, to have to talk to our parents and grandparents from driveways and through open windows. It is not “normal” to be forced to adhere to rules that limit the number of family members who can say a final goodbye to a loved one in the hospital. It is not “normal” to have to stand six feet apart from others in a store while trying not to give or receive suspicious glances.

Jesus knows all about “normal” turned upside down. Fully divine, and fully human. Jesus, Son of God, came to earth and turned the world upside down by his words and actions. He treated the downcasts, outcasts, and those suffering in ways that shook up, derailed, and challenged norms. Jesus met people where they were. He did not minimize fears, worries, pain, or situations. He did not ignore people’s realities; but he joined them in their present circumstances, often turning a life upside down, and right side up. He asked questions and listened. He invited and he provided. He loved. And loved. And loved.

The same Jesus that walked the earth thousands of years ago, is the same Jesus that lives today. He is the same Jesus who is very aware of our fears, worries, pains, and situation. He is aware of our struggle to find a new normal. He doesn’t minimize our feelings, but wants to join us in our circumstances. He sees every tear shed. He hears every cry for help. And he wants us to turn to him, and say to him, “This is not normal. I’m not okay. Please help.”

And when we turn to Him, Jesus answers us with love and his word:
It’s okay! You don’t have to be not okay alone. (Joshua 1:9)
It’s okay to be scared, but I am will be here with you. (John 14:27)
It’s okay to be sad, but joy will come again. (Psalm 30:5)
It’s okay to be anxious, let me help you with your worry. (1 Peter 5:7)
It’s okay to be confused, let me give you understanding and guide you. (Psalm 119:169)
It’s okay to be angry, but let’s talk about it. I want to help you forgive and find safety and security in me. (Colossians 3:13)
It’s okay to be tired, come to me and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28-30)
It’s okay to want things to go back to “normal,” but maybe try to see that I am doing a new thing in your life. (Isaiah 43:19)

Jesus wants us to cling to him in all our imperfections, weariness, abnormal and “not-okayness.” He wants to help us. He wants to lead us to places where new “normals” might be found. And he wants to love. love. love us.

Take heart, dear one. It’s okay to be not okay. Just keep taking the next step

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